best psoriasis in homeopathy
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by the rapid buildup of rough, dry, red patches covered with silvery scales. It occurs when the life cycle of skin cells accelerates, causing an overproduction of new cells that accumulate on the skin's surface.
Causes of Psoriasis:
• Genetics: Strong genetic component, family history increases risk.
• Immune System Dysfunction: In autoimmune disorders, the body's immune system attacks healthy skin cells.
• Environmental Triggers: Stress, infections, skin injuries, medications, and lifestyle habits can trigger or worsen flare-ups.
Symptoms of Psoriasis:
• Red, raised inflamed skin patches with silvery-white scales.
• Itching or burning sensation in infected areas.
• Dry, cracked skin that may bleed.
• Thickened nails with ridges or discolouration.
• Joint pain or swelling (in psoriatic arthritis cases).

Diagnosis of Psoriasis:
• Physical examination by dermatologist.
• Gathering medical history including family history, triggers, and symptoms.
• Skin biopsy for microscopic confirmation of diagnosis.
Types of Psoriasis:
• Plaque Psoriasis: Common, raised, red patches covered with silvery scales
.• Guttate Psoriasis: Small, drop-like lesions scattered across the body, often triggered by infection.
• Inverse Psoriasis: Smooth, red lesions in body folds.
• Pustular Psoriasis: Pus-filled blisters on the skin, often localized or widespread.
• Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Severe, red, and inflamed skin.
Adverse Effects of Psoriasis:
• Causes emotional distress, anxiety, and depression.
• Leads to low self-esteem and social isolation.
• Increases risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, psoriatic arthritis.
• Causes skin infections due to cracked or bleeding lesions.
Diet in Psoriasis:
• Increase intake of anti-inflammatory foods: Omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
• Limit pro-inflammatory foods: Reduce processed foods, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and sugary drinks.
• Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated and promote cell shedding.
• Consider supplements: Consult a healthcare professional before taking fish oil, vitamin D, or curcumin.
• Diet alone may not cure psoriasis but can complement treatment.