hepatitis in homeopathy
What is hepatitis?
Hepatitis is a kind of viral infection through which the liver gets inflamed and damaged. It is caused by five main types of viruses: A, B, C, D, and E.
(1) Hepatitis A:- Hepatitis A is a viral infection that affects the liver, caused by the hepatitis A virus, HAV.
• Symptoms may include mild to severe side effects that include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, dark urine, and yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is also called jaundice.
• Cause: Hepatitis A is usually transmitted by food and water poisoning and through close personal contact with someone who has the infection.
(2) Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is an infection that involves the liver and is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
• Hepatitis B can also present with symptoms that are mild or severe, which thus range from fever and fatigue to loss of appetite, nausea, and, in more extreme instances, jaundice.
• It is transmitted directly from an infected individual through various ways such as sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles or syringes, mother-to-child during birth, occupational exposure or direct exposure to infected blood or bodily secretions during medical procedures.
(3) HEPATITIS C:Hepatitis C is a disease caused by the hepatitis C virus. It's a blood-borne infection, most commonly spread by contact with infected blood, for example, through the sharing of contaminated needles or syringes, and also through blood transfusions and organ transplants before 1992.
• Hepatitis C may cause a person to feel tired, with pain in the joints, a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The symptoms might not show until weeks since a person has been infected.
• This can further progress to liver damage and scarring, which later on complicate into cirrhosis, liver failure, and finally, liver cancer.
(4) HEPATITIS D:-Hepatitis D is caused by the hepatitis D virus. It requires the presence of hepatitis B to replicate. HDV is transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids such as blood, saliva, or semen.
• The symptoms of Hepatitis D are usually almost identical to Hepatitis B, and may include: feeling very tired, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
• Hepatitis D can cause serious liver damage and increases the chance for liver cancer.
• Hepatitis E is triggered by the hepatitis E virus. It has been found that this pathogen mainly enters the body through food and water. Infection may also result from blood transfusion, organ transplantation, and mother-to-child during pregnancy.
• Most of the hepatitis E symptoms are detected within 2-8 weeks after getting an infection. Common symptoms are general body weakness, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, dark urine, and pale stools.
• Hepatitis E is generally self-limiting, and the disease eventually gets cured on its own within 2-3 months; however, this disease can very rarely initiate a very severe form of liver disease, inducing death, especially amidst pregnant females.
Some common symptoms of this infection include:
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and vomiting
• Abdominal pain
• Dark urine
• Pale or clay-colored stools
• Jaundice (a yellow condition in the skin and eyes)
• Swelling in legs and ankles
Hepatitis in Adults:
Hepatitis A: The incubation period ranges from 15 to 50 days. The symptoms include feelings of fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Hepatitis B: Symptoms generally manifest 1-6 months after exposure. Along with the preceding symptoms, dark urine may appear.
Hepatitis C: Symptoms may develop 2-26 weeks after infection. The most common symptoms, however, are as listed above.
Hepatitis D: Generally, the symptoms are mild and may appear from 1 to 4 weeks after infection.
Hepatitis E: The incubation period ranges from 2-8 weeks, and some common symptoms include weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and soreness in the abdomen.
Hepatitis and Pregnancy:
(I)Pregnant women who suffer from hepatitis B are at risk from acute liver failure during pregnancy, which can be quite fatal both for the mother and the fetus.
(II) Hepatitis B and C vaccines are indicated in pregnant women if they have not been previously infected or vaccinated. The infection with hepatitis.
(III) B during pregnancy may result in vertical transmission of the virus to the newborn and therefore cause chronic hepatitis and liver cancer later on in life.
(IV)Hepatitis E has a more severe course in pregnant women, which includes a greater risk of fulminant hepatitis—a possibly life-threatening condition—and maternal mortality.
(V) Hepatitis C infection during pregnancy has a higher risk of progression to chronic liver diseases and liver failure.
Prevention and Vaccination: -
Hepatitis is a preventable disease, though serious and often life-threatening. Vaccination is available for its prevention.
Hepatitis represents one of the most infectious conditions, transmitted through infected blood, sexual contact, and contaminated needles.
Its early diagnosis and treatment have brought tremendous changes in the prognosis of hepatitis patients.
Vaccination is the most effective way of protecting oneself and others from hepatitis.
We have a research-based, clinically proven, scientific treatment module that has been very effective in curing this disease. Our team of well-qualified doctors works by studying and analyzing your case in a systematic way. All signs and symptoms, together with the progress of the disease, are recorded, and its stages of progress, prognosis, and complications understood. After that, they explain to you in detail about your disease and what diet chart you should follow: what to eat or what not, the exercise plan, lifestyle plan, guide about many more factors that can improve your general health condition with the systematic management of your disease by homoeopathic medicines till it gets cured.