allergy treatment in homeopathic
1) What is allergy?
-You must have faced the problem of allergy at some time or the other.
-Allergy is a type of reaction that occurs when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance. This substance is called allergen.
- There can be many types of allergies, such as - seasonal allergies, food allergies, drug allergies, pet allergies.
2) What can be the causes of allergy?
There can be many causes of allergy, such as,
- Changing weather
- Perfume, or perfume
- Animal hair and dander
- Some medicines such as those dependent on penicillin
3) What should be kept in mind to avoid allergy?
- Avoid cutting grass, removing weeds and gardening
- Take off the clothes worn outside and take a bath.
- Stay away from pollution, chemicals, etc.
- Wear a face mask while working outside.
- Clean your hands and feet thoroughly after coming from outside