polyp can be cured with homeopathy without surgery. Voice box (larynx) is made of cartilage, muscle and mucous membranes located at the top of windpipe (trachea) and the base of tongue. Sound is created when vocal cords vibrate.
This vibration comes from air moving through the larynx, bringing vocal cords closer together. Vocal cords also help close voice box when swallow, preventing from inhaling food or liquid.
If vocal cords become inflamed, develop growths, they can't work properly, and may develop a voice disorder. People develop voice problems for many reasons.
Causes are as below
Polyps, nodules or cysts on the vocal cords
Precancerous and cancerous lesions
Alcohol use
Psychological stress
Thyroid problems
Voice misuse or overuse
Sign and symptom
difficulty in speaking
can not speak loud
pain in throat while speaking
hazy voice
A well qualified doctor will diagnose from clinical examination.
Prognosis in homeopathy
It is curable with homeopathic treatment. Since how long you are suffering from disease, has to do a lot with treatment plan. No matter, since when are you suffering from your disease either from recent time or since many years -everything is curable with us but in early stage of disease, you will be cured faster. For chronic conditions or in later stage or in case of many years of suffering, it will take longer time to be cured. Intelligent person always start treatment as early as he /she observe any sign and symptom of this disease, so immediately contact us as soon as you observe any abnormality in you.
Treatment Plan of Brahm Homeopathic Healing & Research centre
Brahm research based, clinically proved, scientific treatment module is very effective in curing this disease. We have a team of well qualified doctors who observe and analysis your case systematically, record all the signs and symptoms along with progress of disease, understand its stages of progression, prognosis and its complications. After that they clear you about your disease in details, provide you proper diet chart [what to eat or what not to eat], exercise plan, life style plan and guide you about many more factors that can improve your general health condition with systematic management of your disease with homeopathic medicines till it get cured.