10 Questions You can ask your doctor during pregnency !

1) What necessary vitamins should I take ?
As a homeopathy doctor, I would like to explain that when it comes to essential vitamins during pregnancy, it is important to focus on prenatal vitamins that are specifically formulated to support you and your growing baby. The most important ingredient is folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects and supports the development of the baby's brain and spine. A common recommendation is to aim for 400 to 800 micrograms per day before conception and throughout pregnancy. In addition, iron is important to prevent anemia, as your body needs more blood to support the baby. Calcium and vitamin D are important for the development of the baby's teeth and bones. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, are also beneficial for neurological development. I recommend choosing a high-quality prenatal vitamin and discussing any specific dietary restrictions or needs with me to ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrients.
2) How should I manage my diet during pregnancy ?
It is important to follow a healthy diet for your baby. You should focus on a balanced and nutritious diet, which is important for both your health and your baby's development. It should include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Focus on getting enough protein, as it supports tissue growth and fetal development. If you consume caffeine, you should limit its consumption. It is also best to avoid certain foods such as raw fish, unpasteurized dairy products and undercooked meat. If you are experiencing morning sickness, choose light, easily digestible foods that may be more palatable. And if you need personalized dietary advice, you can visit our hospital for specific information.
3) What physical activities are safe for me during pregnancy ?
Your doctor will be responsible for telling you what physical activity is appropriate for your pregnancy. You should include regular exercise to avoid any delay in your baby's health. Regular exercise during pregnancy can be extremely beneficial. Include activities like walking, swimming, stationary cycling and prenatal yoga or any other yogic activity that can improve your mood, help manage stress and prepare your body for labor. In general, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. However, it is important to listen to your body and modify your activity according to your mood.
4) What vaccinations do I need ?
Consult your doctor to know which vaccinations you need during pregnancy as they are important for your health and the safety of your baby. The main vaccines include the flu shot, which is recommended during flu season to protect both you and your baby from flu-related complications, and the Tdap vaccine, which is ideally given between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy to protect against whooping cough. For a comprehensive approach to prenatal care, it is important to discuss your vaccination history and any additional vaccines based on your medical history or travel plans.
5) What tests will I need during my pregnancy ?
To keep track of how your pregnancy is developing and progressing, you should review a variety of tests and screenings to monitor both your health and your baby's development. Common tests include blood tests to assess your blood type, iron levels, and infectious diseases. Additionally, genetic testing and gestational diabetes testing may be prescribed depending on your risk factors. So I'll explain the purpose of each and what to expect.
6) What should I do if I feel anxious ?
If you feel anxious during pregnancy due to overthinking, or if unnecessary emotions are overwhelming you, you should consult your doctor to review the exact remedy. It is important not to hesitate to discuss them. Pregnancy is a time of experiencing many hormonal changes, so if your peace of mind is disturbed, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Consider practical relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, prenatal yoga and talking with supportive friends or family. If you find anxiety overwhelming, please contact us so we can consider other options, including therapy or counselling, which can be incredibly beneficial in helping you through this period.
7) What are my options for pain management during labor ?
Managing pain during labor is a significant concern for expectant mothers. There are many options available to you, ranging from natural pain-relief methods such as breathing techniques, visualization, and hydrotherapy to medical options such as epidurals or analgesics. Epidurals provide significant pain relief and help you stay alert during labor. It is perfectly acceptable to discuss your preferences with me so that we can create a delivery plan that suits your comfort level and expectations. Always remember that this is a personal journey, and the best option is the one that feels right to you.
8) How can I prepare for breastfeeding?
Preparing for breastfeeding is an important step for every woman, and it's helpful to take precautions beforehand. A good start is to prepare yourself for breastfeeding, attend a breastfeeding class, and consider having a lactation consultant available after delivery. Equip yourself with resources, including supportive pillows, nursing bras, and breast pads, to make the transition easier. Remember that breastfeeding can be challenging at first; it's perfectly okay to ask for help and support if you need it.
9) How do you handle complications during delivery?
In the event of complications during delivery, my priority is always the health and safety of both you and your baby. We will follow established protocols and guidelines to manage any unexpected situations, whether that involves unplanned cesarean sections, monitoring for fetal distress, or other concerns that may arise. Rest assured that my training and the healthcare team’s preparedness allow us to provide the best care possible. I will communicate with you throughout the process, letting you know what’s happening and the rationale behind any interventions.
10) How much weight should I aim to gain during this pregnancy?
For those with a normal pre-pregnancy weight (BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), the recommended weight gain ranges from 25 to 35 pounds over the course of the pregnancy. This range considers the development of the fetus, increases in breast and uterine size, and additional fluid and blood volume. It is also important to consider the trimester in which you are gaining weight. In the first trimester, weight gain is generally modest, with many women gaining only 1 to 5 pounds due to nausea, fatigue, and other early pregnancy symptoms. Focusing on the quality of weight gain during pregnancy is just as crucial as the quantity. Gaining weight in a healthy manner means prioritizing a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients.
Brahmhomeoapathy Hospital is dedicated to supporting women's health, particularly during the transformative journey of pregnancy. Our holistic approach focuses on addressing pregnancy-related challenges through personalized homeopathic treatments that prioritize your well-being. We understand that each woman's experience is unique, and our compassionate team is here to provide guidance, therapeutic solutions, and a nurturing environment to help you navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Together, we aim to enhance your overall health and ensure a positive experience for both you and your baby.